
November 2, 2023 | Read Time: 1 min

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Grace and peace, friends. I pray this finds you well.

As I type this devotional, I am sitting at my desk with a warm cup of coffee, enjoying the first cool temperature drop of the fall season and I have to tell you, I’m here for it.

Seasons are funny things in Texas. The summers seem to be drier and hotter than I remember in years past, which reminds me of a saying I hear often: “Don’t like the weather in Texas? Wait 24 hours.” That’s not wrong! What we know is this: A change always comes. The heat you think will last forever slowly begins to fade, and a change in the temperature brings with it the reminder that the world we live in is an ever-changing one.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1 we read, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Just as the seasons change, so do the circumstances of our lives. Yet, in every season, God remains constant. In every season, there’s always some beauty to be found and behold. The real question is, are we watching?

So, I am learning to embrace the subtle changes that seasons bring.

I’m walking a little slower, looking at my phone a little less. Instead, I’m choosing to see the beauty around me and what the Lord is doing in the midst of it all.

That, my friends, is time that’s not wasted. What do you say? Join me?

- Marca