Últimas noticias sobre nuestra denominación

April 29, 2022 | Read Time: 1 min

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Grace and peace to you, friends.

I want to share an important update regarding The Woodlands Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church, and the formation of a new, Wesleyan denomination. 

You may be aware that the Global Methodist Church — a new Wesleyan denomination — officially launches May 1, 2022. This denomination will be in transition for the next 12-18 months as it prepares for its convening General Conference. 

At this time, The Woodlands Methodist Church has no immediate plans to join the Global Methodist Church. Rather, our church stands with our Bishop Scott Jones, and the 606 other United Methodist congregations within the Texas Annual Conference, to consider the future of denominational affiliation following due process according to established United Methodist governance provisions.  

Our pastors and lay delegates will attend The Texas Annual Conference where this matter will be addressed in some form in Houston May 29 – June 1, 2022.  

Exact outcomes for our Conference and our church are unknown until this matter comes for a vote at the Texas Annual Conference.  

For now, here’s what I do know: The Woodlands Methodist Church remains committed to winning people to Jesus Christ, discipling them in faith, and helping those in need. It’s been our mission in the world for the last 44 years and will continue to be our mission long into the future.  

We will post more information in this space as it becomes available. In the meantime, please join me in prayer as we discern together the path God is preparing for our church and all others within Methodism. 

- Marca