
August 9, 2022 | Read Time: 38 secs

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

I have an app on my phone that pulls up memories from days past. It’s funny. Some of them I love to see! Other memories — particularly the difficult ones — I am quite ready to move on from and not remember. However, it’s important to remember that even in the difficult seasons, God was just as present then as He is present now.

One of those memories recently popped up on my phone, specifically from 2020. Anyone remember 2020? Yep, me too.

I don’t remember the sermon I preached or the passage it came from, but clearly the emphasis was on hope. And I made a quote card to show in the services.

This card was a beautiful reminder from the past that gave me incredible comfort today. Scripture does that! And that’s how the Holy Spirit speaks to us all. Today, find hope in whatever your circumstances may be!

- Marca