Se aprueba la votación sobre GMC

May 14, 2023 | Read Time: 1 min

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Today, I want to take a moment to say… THANK YOU for being the church in EVERY season in our ministry. Thank you for your faithful response to God’s call in this truly historic moment in the life of our church.

The last year has taken our congregation on an extended journey through denominational discernment. It began heavy and hard, but I am beyond thrilled at where we ended up!

The results of our affiliation vote are in, and I am so pleased to tell you we FAR exceeded the two-thirds majority vote we set to become a member of the Global Methodist Church (GMC). Our vote passed by 96%.

This vote affirms what we already know to be true about The Woodlands Methodist Church: Though we are many people, gathered across generations and worship expressions and community groups, we are united in one vision and one clear mission as a church! Thank you for believing in my leadership and in my vision for advancing our ministries that will be mutually beneficial for The Woodlands Methodist Church and the Global Methodist Church.

I believe joining the GMC affords our congregation the very best opportunity to advance and multiply our efforts in a bold new era of ministry together. Not because of what this new denomination can do to serve The Woodlands Methodist Church, but precisely because of all the ways in which The Woodlands Methodist Church can serve our traditional, Wesleyan sisters and brothers across the Global Methodist connection now and for decades to come.

At Vision Night last Sunday night, I shared the ways in which I see our ministries advancing together — in the areas of Church Planting, NextGen Leadership, Missions and Christian Discipleship. I encourage you to watch our feature videos highlighting these areas  — they cast such a powerful vision for our future. They are worth your time to watch.

Friends, with the matters of discernment and affiliation now behind us, I could not be more excited to truly move forward in faith. May God have all the glory, honor and praise!

- Marca