Afiliación: Creando el futuro

February 9, 2023 | Read Time: 2 mins

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

A few days ago, I ran across a news story highlighting future predictions from scientific experts on what life would be like in 2023. Here’s the catch: The predictions were made in the year 1923 — 100 years ago!

There were some wildly off-base predictions. In 1923, one expert said we’d all be wearing “kidney cozies” in 2023. Apparently, this is a knitted item that would be worn to protect the kidneys on chilly days, just the same as a teapot in the North is kept warm by a tea cosy. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen anyone wearing a kidney cosy lately.

Other experts in 1923 were right on the money when predicting – and I quote – “watch-sized radio telephones that will keep everybody in communication with the ends of the earth.” Wow! That is a crazy accurate prediction!

OK, where am I headed with this? I’m so glad you asked.

Here goes: Maybe there’s some truth to the old adage “the best way to predict the future is to create it.” In other words, leave nothing to chance. Be intentional with every future endeavor. Carefully design and build the very thing you aspire to be.

Friends, this is exactly where we find ourselves today, as we study the options for future denominational affiliation.

Throughout Scripture, there are examples of wise investing and, even greater, of counting the cost of a project before you begin. In Luke 14:28-30, Jesus asks, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see him will mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’”

With regard to denominational affiliation, our church aspires to become a master architect. We have an historic opportunity to design and build the very thing we plan to be — a flagship congregation, leading the way for others to follow. Forging a path into a new era of Methodism. (Can you tell I’m slightly excited at the possibilities?)

Our affiliation decision will greatly affect the trajectory of our church’s ministry for decades to come, so I want to personally invite you to attend one of four Affiliation Community Forums coming up on February 25 and 26 and again on March 25 and 26 — where we can all listen, learn and discern the best options for future affiliation. Registration is open now.

Please also save the date for a special Vision Night on Sunday, May 7, followed by a churchwide member vote for affiliation. Again, check the affiliation section of our website for information and details. We will be sharing much more information in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, just know that God is moving, and the Spirit is working throughout this process. Please pray for me, our pastors and our lay leadership teams, as we continue to study and share our best options for future affiliation. By identifying opportunities, developing strategies and casting vision, we will be well-equipped to advance Christ’s Kingdom — for the next generation and for generations to come.

- Marca