Una llamada para cada creyente

October 19, 2023 | Read Time: 2 mins

Por: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Gracia y paz, amigos.

I have to say, Rev. Karen Tyler did such an outstanding job sharing this year’s mission message titled “Until the Whole World Knows.”

In case you missed it, you can watch it online.

You know, when my wife and I first visited The Woodlands Methodist Church (hard to believe that was over 10 years ago), we were so impressed with the campus, the facilities, the staff and all the various ministries and programs that we saw. But it was the size and scope of the missions program here at TWMC that sealed the deal for us to come to The Woodlands and make this church home.

When we say “missions is the heartbeat of our church,” we mean it. Why? Because it’s the very heartbeat of God! Missions, at its core, is an expression of God’s heart for all people echoed through the command of Jesus to His disciples and to each of us to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

As I listened to Karen’s message last Sunday, I was reminded that, through missions, we do three things:

First, we expand God’s Kingdom. How amazing to know that by reaching out to those who have not yet heard the Gospel, we contribute to the growth of the church worldwide. Every soul who comes to know Jesus through missions becomes a part of God’s family, strengthening the body of believers.

Second, we demonstrate God’s love. It is here that we have an opportunity to show God’s love in practical ways. As we serve others selflessly, we reflect the very character of Christ and become His hands and feet in a broken world. Through acts of compassion, we show that God’s love knows no boundaries and is available to all.

Third, participating in missions not only transforms others, but also transforms us! Whether it’s serving in our own backyard through Hope Beyond Bridges, building a Habitat for Humanity house, or flying to India to serve with one of our missions partners, you’ll find that stepping out of your comfort zone and encountering different cultures and perspectives will deepen your faith and only further broaden your understanding of God’s big and diverse world. I can’t tell you how many times I have served with the intent of bringing change to someone else, only to find the bigger change comes through what God demonstrates to me personally when I serve.

Missions is not just a task for a select few; it’s a calling for every believer.

If you have yet to visit our Missions Ministy page, please take a moment to look at it and support our missions through your gifts, your prayers or your service.

To God be the glory!

- Marca