Vídeos de la Gran Comisión

La historia de Traci

My grandson Jayden is autistic and loves to do a lot of the same things that other kids his age love to do. When I saw the basketball mini camp, I was truly excited because he always wants to go play basketball 🏀.

My daughter came with me today to drop him off and while we were driving to the church Jayden said to us that he was happy because he was going to get to play basketball and be on a real basketball team. My daughter and I shared tears over that comment and again when we dropped him off and he just smiled and told us “Bye! See you later!”

In the car my daughter expressed her thanks to me for finding this church where my grandson is able to be “just a kid playing basketball.”

Then she told me and one of the ladies in charge that for many kids and many families, this is just a 4 week basketball camp, but for our family and for Jayden it is everything. It is an opportunity for a little boy to be “normal” (with a shadow) and just play ball “on a real basketball team.”

Thank you for making this possible and for making one little boy and his family VERY HAPPY. God bless you for your love of special needs kids and for giving this special boy this opportunity. He loved it!!

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